Read Mark Young - The Best Ever Book of Clerk Jokes : Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who FB2, PDF, EPUB


If you've ever heard a Jewish, Blond, Italian, Irish, Blond, Libyan, Catholic, Mexican, Polish, Australian, Norwegian, or an Essex Girl, Newfie, Mother-in-Law, or joke aimed at a minority, this book of clerk jokes is for you. In this not-so-original book, The Best Ever Book of Clerk Jokes; Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who, Mark Young takes a whole lot of tired, worn out jokes and makes them funny again. The book of clerk jokes is so unoriginal, it's original. And, if you don't burst out laughing from at least one clerk joke in this book, there's something wrong with you.This book has so many clerk jokes, you won't know where to start. For example:Why do clerks wear slip-on shoes? You need an IQ of at least 4 to tie a shoelace.***A clerk and his wife were sitting around the breakfast table one lazy Sunday morning. The clerk turned to his wife and said: "When I die, I want you to sell all my stuff.""Why would you want me to do that?," asked his wife."I figure that you'll eventually remarry, and I don't want some asshole using my stuff," replied the clerk.The clerk's spouse said: "What makes you think I'd marry another asshole?"***Did you hear about the clerk who wore two jackets when he painted his house?The instructions on the can said: "Put on two coats."***Why do clerks laugh three times when they hear a joke? Once when it is told, once when it is explained to them, and once when they understand it.

The Best Ever Book of Clerk Jokes : Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who by Mark Young read online book EPUB, PDF, DJV

Armie Hammer ( 'The Social Network' ) stars as the eponymous masked hero, while Johnny Depp ( 'Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland, Rango' ) plays his erstwhile companion Tonto.This striking coffee-table book will follow the thrilling behind-the-scenes adventure that unfolded while making this fast-paced outlaw adventure.What elevates Tofield's simple but expressive line drawings above the large litter of competing kitties is his keen grasp of cartoon physics and comedy cat antics.