Running wild film streaming 1440

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Galop Ku Wolnosci (2017 )

Running Wild is about Stella Davis, a widow who saves her ranch by working with convicts to rehabilitate a herd of wild horses that wandered on to her property. Stella must fight prejudice, greed, bureaucracy and vanity (including her own) to finally understand that there is no better remedy to misfortune than helping another living creature.

What you fight for defines who you are.

This is a pretty good family movie that talks about deeper aspects than the Hallmark movie I was expecting

"In ninety days you're going to lose everything." Stella Davis (Pham) has recently lost her husband and is in danger of losing her ranch. Looking for ways to raise money she decides to try and tame a herd of wild horses on her property and sell them. Needing help she begins to work with convicts in a rehabilitation program where they work with the horses. Things are going great until Meredith (Stone) shows up and tries to convince everyone what Stella is doing is a danger to the horses. This is a movie I wasn't expecting anything out of at all. I was thinking it was going to be a cheesy hallmark type movie. There's nothing wrong with movies like that, they just aren't my thing. While this film did have shades of that for sure this was much much better than I was expecting. It brought up some very interesting ideas and it made me think, which is something I wasn't expecting to do watching this. Overall, there are a few swear words in this but besides that this is a pretty good family movie that talks about deeper aspects than the Hallmark movie I was expecting. I liked this and surprisingly give this a B+.

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